Azadiyan M, Vosoogh Moghaddam A, Farhadi Mahalli A. Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) of Good Governance Components for Health System Policy-Making in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Manage Strat Health Syst 2021; 6 (2) :87-102
Department of Management, Gorgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran- Governance and Health Research and Training Group, Neuroscience Research Institute, Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Tehran, Iran ,
Abstract: (2127 Views)
Background: Good governance in the last two decades attracted the attention of scientific and international circles around the world. It is a type of governance that is committed to supporting and promoting human health. In order to achieve good governance, components have been identified that knowledge of the weight and importance of each component is undoubtedly necessary to achieve the desired results in the policy-making of the Iranian health system.
Methods: This research is descriptive-survey in terms of goal setting and methodology. The multi-stage stratification and availability method was used for sampling and the theoretical saturation rule was used to determine the sample size. In order to define and explain the concept of components of good governance and health policy-making, the library method and review of reference sources were used. 100 survey managers and experts in the Ministry of Health and Golestan, Mazandaran and Neishabour Universities of Medical Sciences were interviewed using a survey method and using a checklist tool (researcher-made (pairwise comparisons)). To analyze the data, Chang's improved fuzzy AHP method and Expert choice software were used.
Results: Among the components of good governance (for the policy-making process of the Iranian health system), the rule of law included the most important component. After the rule of law, consensus and agreement, transparency, accountability, justice and fairness, effectiveness and efficiency and ethics were in the next ranks.
Conclusion: Good governance is a new narrative of concepts such as democracy, human rights and justice to pursue people-centered human development goals. The rankings obtained from the analyses of this research indicate the need to pay more attention to the rule of law in the health policy-making cycle. It is suggested that in designing the health sector of the seventh economic, social and cultural development plan, executive strategies are paid attention to strengthening the components of good governance, respectively.
Type of Study:
Research |
Special Received: 2021/06/27 | Published: 2021/11/2