Volume 6, Issue 4 (2022)                   Manage Strat Health Syst 2022, 6(4): 363-378 | Back to browse issues page

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Olfatpor N, Mousakhani M, Daneshfard K, Irannejad Parizi M. Designing a Model for Public Welfare Governance in Iran. Manage Strat Health Syst 2022; 6 (4) :363-378
URL: http://mshsj.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-515-en.html
Professor, Department of Public Administration, School of Management and Economics, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Research Sciences Branch, Tehran, Iran , mousakhani.m@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1577 Views)
Background: One important goal of policymakers regarding economy in developed countries is to improve quality, standard and level of well-being in society. The purpose of this study was to provide a model that leads to improving the quality of public welfare in the country's governance system.
Methods: This was a combined (qualitative-quantitative) research conducted in 2020. To collect data in the qualitative section, exploratory interviews based on theme analysis, and in the quantitative part, a questionnaire, were used. Analysis of the qualitative section was done through MaxQDA 18 software, and in the quantitative section, it was done by SPSS 22 and SmartPLS 2 software. The statistical population in the qualitative method included experts in the field of policymaking and social welfare. Purposive and snowball sampling were used, which resulted in 18 interviews. The statistical population in the quantitative method included 150 managers from the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor, and Social Welfare selected based on Cochran's formula 108.
Results: In the qualitative part, after recording the data from the interviews, 99 initial indicators were identified. After coding based on theme analysis method, 69 indicators, 8 dimensions (social capital; public policies and policymaking; domestic and international environment; public participation and management; transparency in affairs; social security; social health; quality of governance and public welfare), and 5 components (causal, intervention, and contextual causes, strategies and consequences) were approved, and led to the creation of a public welfare governance model based on theme analysis. The results of the quantitative part indicated that the dimensions of public policies and policymaking and social capital affect domestic and international environment, public participation and management, as well as the dimension of transparency in affairs. They also affect social security and health, which in turn, affect the quality of public welfare governance.
Conclusion: One of the requirements for establishing and improving the governance of public welfare in Iran is addressing the 8 components and 69 indicators extracted in this model.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2021/11/21 | Published: 2022/03/16

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